Sunday, September 9, 2012

a penny for my thoughts

college. photography. michelle.. rocket blower. divine nature. dinner for 2 weeks. signatures. application. essay. missing work. piano. working out. mom. pictures. dance team. bows. temple. crysta. future. seminary. water. no more sugar. run. jasmine.. tuesday. film. runny nose. 736 miles. regrets. katie. young women in excellence. done by october. mouth shut. smile. snap. choreography. priest/laurel activity. movies. dance. how to train your dragon. music. ipod. homework. vocab. psychology. english. 9am-12pm. 6:00. tuesday-thursday. project due friday. character matters. clean room. eat. waiting for the text that i know wont come. goodbyes. journal. 105, 112. 10 days. girls night. abc photos. hair. iphone. byu or byui. career. lonely. nathan. healthy. quiet. so you think you can dance times 3. game. singles ward. 18. how does she do it? money. scholarships. pray. keys. laundry. thrift stores. job. march. text bekah. tears. charise.. red head. thanks. sleep. 3:45. samuel french. theatre talent award. forget. ouch. stomach. 1 million uploads. popsicle sticks. mac book. notes. necklace. happy jar. pretend. efy. christmas. driving. ctr ring. mutual. husband. wash car. hands. writing. scared. doctor.

ahh.. breathe.

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